mercredi 12 août 2015

Preferred attractions in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, and is situated in the north of the Netherlands, and is the commercial capital of the country, cultural, and one of the most important financial centers in Europe, and has achieved a leading position in the best cities in the world of the living and the quality of living, and Amsterdam includes a group of the best places attract tourists to it and which remind yourselves in our article today.

Preferred attractions in Amsterdam

canal tours

 walk through or a business trip in the bottom of the channels Jurscnjuldl, which was established in the 17th century and is one of the urban wonders of the world.

rijks museum

 and provides visitors to see the treasures of the Dutch Golden Age in this museum on a global level and that includes the Rembrandt masterpiece Night Watch.

van gogh museum

 interested in art and helps to see the largest and most comprehensive collection in the world of work Van Gogh's art, including a self-portrait of the artist in his museum.

anne frank house museum

 where can go in very moving tour of the hiding place of Anne Frank, and learn more about the story of World War II, a broken heart.

stedelijk museum

since it opened in 2012, the modern wing, became the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art and one of the areas most visited attractions in the city, with a group of works by Andy Warhol, and Matisse, Pollock, and many others.


 loved by locals and tourists on the cafes and restaurants in the open air of the live arena, and is the center of nightlife in the city.


 browse through the street market Albert Cuyp (said to be the largest in Europe) smell the smell of flowers in the flower market Bloemen Market Gladiator by channel.

dam square

 and it is the main square in the city and is always a way for different activities and events, and the Royal Palace is often open to the public

rembrandt house museum

 shows how life was like Rembrandt in the house where he lived for decades, and we see some seals in the house for him.

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