mercredi 12 août 2015

Tourism in the Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands is a territory behind the British seas in the western Caribbean, which includes the territory of the three islands of the island of Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, which lies to the south of Cuba and northwest of Jamaica. Cayman Islands are considered part of the Western geographic region of the Caribbean, as well as the islands of the Greater Antilles. Often considered the Cayman Islands from major land attractive in the outside world for many of the most affluent individuals.

Cayman Islands are located in the western Caribbean, which consists of a series of underwater ridges, known as the Cayman Ridge (or rise Cayman). These hills come Cayman Trough, a depth of 6,000 meters (20,000 feet) which is located 6 km (3.7 mi) to the south. The islands are located in the northwest Caribbean Sea, east of Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Mexico, the State of Mexico, south of Cuba and west of Jamaica. It is located at about 700 km (430 miles) south of Miami 0.750 km (470 miles) east of Mexico 0.366 km (227 miles) to the south of Cuba, and about 500 km (310 miles) northwest of Jamaica. Grand Cayman is one of the Big Island, which has an area of ​​about 197 km2 (76 square miles).

It was formed three islands of the large coral heads, which covers the peaks submerged in the ice age with Western accessories for Cubans and a group Sierra Maestra. A notable exception to this monument to Cayman Brac eastern part, which rises to 43 meters (141 feet) above sea level, the highest point in the islands. The majority come terrain base in the low limestone that surrounds the coral reefs.

Grand Cayman, the largest of the three islands, which has an area of ​​about 76 square miles, and is about 22 miles long with an average width of four miles. It is striking advantages are shallower waters. There are low-lying island, which is located on the highest point in about 60 feet above sea level. Cayman Islands are part of the Cayman Islands Ridge, which stretches west from Cuba, also located islands on the border between North America and the Caribbean.

Cayman Brac, about 89 miles northeast of Grand Cayman Island, which is located at about 12 miles long with an average width of 1.25 miles, an area of ​​about 15 square miles. Terrain is made up of the most exciting terrain of the three islands. Bluff, the huge central limestone outcrop, which steadily rises along the island for up to 140 feet above sea level at the eastern end. The Cayman is located five miles west of Cayman Brac and about ten miles in length with an average width of more than just a mile. And an area of ​​about 11 square miles. Low-island away a little of the areas on the north shore and that rises to 40 feet above sea level.

There are no rivers on any of the islands, while its coastline protected come largely from marine coral, which are located in some places by the extremist group of mangrove, as sometimes extends to the interior marshes.

Grand Cayman include the different types of mammals, which are located in the Central American agouti Islands with eight species of bats. It was to include at least three types of rodents, while extinction is currently with the European discovery of the islands. It has been found on a number of marine mammals in coastal waters. Among other notable blue iguana animals are endangered, endemic disease and infected in Grand Cayman.

Cayman Islands has a tropical maritime climate, with warm rainy season, comes the rainy summer (from May to October) and dry season in relatively warm winter (from November to April). The main natural threat to Grand Cayman is a tropical cyclone that formed during the hurricane season in the Atlantic from June to November

In on 11 and 12 September 2004, Hurricane Ivan hit the Cayman Islands, where the storm led to the death of two people, with inflicting many large Alodharara in infrastructure on the islands. The total economic impact is estimated to storms about $ 3400000000

In mid-2011, estimating the number of population of the Cayman Islands was about 56,000, which represents a combination of more than 100 nationalities. Of that number, about half that number out of the Cayman. About 60% of the population of mixed race (mostly mixed African-Caucasian). The vast majority of the population lies in Grand Cayman, followed by Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, respectively. It is expected to rise to 60,000 by 2020 the number of population. The capital of the Cayman Islands is George Town, on the southwest coast of the island of Grand Cayman.

The majority of the islanders follow Christianity, exist with a large number of Catholics, but it is also host to Judaism, and Islam, as well as Hindu communities.

The average income is about 47,000 $ KYD, which makes the population of the Cayman Islands have the highest standard of living in the Caribbean. According to the CIA World Factbook, the GDP per capita in the Cayman Islands is an individual of the highest town in the world 14.

Used for the Cayman Islands currency (KYD), which is pegged currency to US dollars USD 1, 227 to 1 KYD. However, many of the retail stores all over the island usually KYD trading around $ 1.25.

Grand Cayman is one of the main attractions with Seven Mile Beach, one of the sites that contain a number of hotels and resorts, bars and public beaches on the island. There are historic sites in Grand Cayman Island, such as Pedro St. James Castle in Savannah, which attracts many visitors. The tourists also accepts to visit neighboring islands, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac.

All three islands offer fun dive, and the Cayman Islands are home to several dive sites, where tourists can swim with the stingrays. This is the region of the most popular areas to do so in Stingray City, Grand Cayman Stingray City attractive in Grand Cayman.

It features tourist attractions in other Cayman Islands are the views of Grand Cayman Ironshore, with the beach that stretches about 23 acres (93,000 m 2), and considered this region is home to a turtle farm Cayman, dedicated to the production of gourmet sea salt and the region, and the Mastic Trail, and there are long hiking trails through the forest in the center of the island, in addition to the National Trust for the Cayman Islands that offers tours weekly guidance on Mastic Trail and other locations.

On the other on Grand Cayman attractions is the control tower, which is located in Camana Bay. Control tower comes 75 feet long and provides attractive views at about 360 degrees from all over the Seven Mile Beach, George city.

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